“My term as Chairman of Buffalo County Community Health Partners followed the inspiring leadership of our Founding Chairman of the Board, Joan Lindenstein. She was able to take a Board of 25 individuals of diverse backgrounds, agendas and passions and develop a consensus on a reasoned approach to a Healthier Community. With a product of measurable outcomes and a very strict criteria for assessments and strategic goals, Buffalo County Community Health Partners has weathered the test of time. So many successes for this Community due to so many wonderful people.
A few that come to the top of the list during my tenure as Chair, include the accomplishment of development of 50 Alzheimer dedicated units in Nursing Homes at a time when this was a trend setter. Smoking cessation and enlightened local public policies on curtailing smoking in public areas became the model for this State. And a truly Community One of a Kind. A Brokered Public Transportation System, R.Y.D.E.
But the joy of my time with Buffalo County Community Health Partners was the long lasting friendships I made with the most wonderful, dedicated and hard working public servants in our Community.”

Dr. Steve Bennett
Chairman of the Board


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